Free Course

AmiBroker Strategy Development and AutoTrading Using Alera Portfolio Manager


( Link directly to AmiBroker Strategy Development & AutoTrading course. )


 AmiBroker is a fantastic R&D Trading platform that allows the user to develop and test rules-based, quantitative trading strategies and ideas through backtesting validation.

 Once those ideas are validated, a Trader, Investor or Market Enthusiast has the added ability of generating signals each day for real-live trading, or, "paper trading" testing purposes.

 Our course provider partners at Systematic Investors Group have developed this mini-course that takes you through the journey of finding a trading strategy idea (through a trading strategy article), then...

  • coding the trading strategy idea in Amibroker,
  • backtesting/validating the idea,
  • generating the buy and sell signals in AmiBroker, and finally,
  • connecting and integrating the AmiBroker setup and strategy to be used with the Alera Portfolio Manager (APM) software.
  • This can be for live trading, or, "paper trading".  Paper Trading allows a Trader to see how the Strategy enters and exits trades each day and how it performs in live trading without actually risking real money.
  • In the case of real, live trading, a Trader can actually just execute and manage the daily trades and trading workflow to maintain multiple portfolios with very minimal effort, typically less than 3 minutes per day).

This course information is best used for an End-Of-Day (EOD) trading style, where decisions are made after the market close and to be executed the following day.

This removes a lot of stress from the day to day trading decisions as decisions are made in the calm of after market hours.

It is also best for portfolio strategies, where you may trade typically anywhere from 1-20 different stocks in a portfolio.

Additionally, you can use this for multiple strategies and multiple portfolios!  We've learned over the years that success is usually achieved through Strategy Diversification.  In other words, running multiple strategies instead of just one (1) single strategy.

The course is delivered in a blog style post, where a text summary is provided, along with links to the trading strategy code example used (as well as the helper files for the automation pieces to connect with APM), and including an instructional video that was recorded via a webinar.


** Even if you aren't interested in the automation component, this course is a good exercise in how to build an AmiBroker Strategy (including a great workable Strategy Template) that can be further built upon.


Please visit our partners at Systematic Investors Group here for this course AmiBroker Strategy Development & AutoTrading.